Authors: Josep M. Badia [aut, cre] (
Last modified: 2021-12-03 16:51:03
Compiled: Fri Jan 7 20:40:30 2022
MS2ID aims to fast annotate query MS/MS spectra straightforwardly with minimum RAM requirements by using an in-house database. With this in mind, MS2ID
object keeps all data in a on disk backend based on RSQLite and bigmemory packages and indexes all spectrum fragments in a table.
Conceptually, MS2ID workflow is structured on three steps:
You can download the development version from GitHub with:
if(!requireNamespace("devtools", quietly = TRUE))
devtools::install_github("jmbadia/MS2ID", force=T)
package already contains a sample MS/MS spectra library. Next code extracts it in order to be used:
## Decompress the MS2ID library that comes with MS2ID
MS2IDzipFile <- system.file("extdata/", package = "MS2ID",
mustWork = TRUE)
MS2IDdirectory <- dirname(utils::unzip(MS2IDzipFile, exdir = tempdir()))[1]
On the other hand, reference MS/MS spectral data can be obtained from publicly available resources -HMDB, ChEBI and PubChem or any personal library- through the CompoundDb package (Stanstrup and Rainer 2021) plus the createMS2ID
function. Here we parse a small portion of MoNA (206 MS/MS spectra) following the CompoundDB vignette.
wrkDir <- tempdir()
## Locate the compounds file
MoNAsubset <- system.file("extdata/MoNAsubset.sdf.gz", package = "MS2ID")
cmps <- compound_tbl_sdf(MoNAsubset)
spctr <- msms_spectra_mona(MoNAsubset, collapsed = TRUE)
spctr$predicted <- FALSE
#configure metadata
metad <- data.frame(
name = c("source", "url", "source_version","source_date"),
value = c("MoNA", "",
"v1", '07-09')
#obtain compdb object
cmpdbDir <- file.path(wrkDir, "cmpdbDir")
if(dir.exists(cmpdbDir)){, list(list.files(cmpdbDir, full.names = TRUE)))
db_file <- createCompDb(cmps, metadata = metad, msms_spectra = spctr,
path = cmpdbDir)
cmpdb <- CompDb(db_file)
#create the MS2ID directory
MS2IDdirectory <- createMS2ID(cmpdb = cmpdb,
overwrite = TRUE, path = wrkDir)
A simple annotation only requires an MS2ID
object like the former and query spectra. In the example following, query spectra are provided in mzML format (three mzML files, 2235 MS/MS spectra total). Still, the function also supports Spectra
objects from the Spectra package (Gatto, Rainer, and Gibb 2021).
By default, the annotation process summarizes query spectra into consensus spectra according to their similarity and neighbouring; this speeds up the algorithm and reduces the noise. Please, consult the annotation vignette for more information.
queryFile <- system.file("extdata/", package = "MS2ID")
queryFolder <- file.path(tempdir(), "QRYspectra")
utils::unzip(queryFile, exdir = queryFolder)
refLibrary <- MS2ID(MS2IDdirectory)
annotResult <- annotate(QRYdata = queryFolder, MS2ID = refLibrary)
The resulting variable annotResult
is an Annot
object that contains the annotation results. We can subset its content by applying them getters (custom functions to get the info) or save the whole object (saveRDS
function is recommended) for further analysis (more info).
Annotate function offers more features such as prefiltering of the reference spectra library or different similarity metrics. Please, feel free to check them in its own vignette.
The annotation results can be browsed by using
The export2xlsx
function to export the annotation results to an excel file
The MS2Igui
function, which allows to compare graphically both query and reference spectra. Please note that using MS2IDgui
function with no arguments pops up the interface with no annotation data. Visit the ‘About’ page in MS2IDgui for more information.
MS2ID GUI interface